Monday, August 31, 2009
Judge humping, is that a sport?

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sometimes we are given a gift!
This morning I woke up and thought about my day. Another attempt at a perfect score in Rally. The thought of entering the ring with Roscoe made my stomach flutter with excitement. I can't wait! I know we may mess up, I may forget a station, he may not hold his stay, his butt may not hit the ground - actually his butt WILL hit the ground today, damnit, that it WILL - but the thought of entering the ring with him no matter what happens, excites me. I know every time we enter, every time we line up and I remove his leash, every time the judge asks if we are ready, I know we are ready. I know he will give me his all. I know it. Every time. He has this gift. And other people see it and comment when we leave the ring. People comment. Sometimes they say things like - "I have never seen a MinPin so good at obedience". "Wow, you did so well with a MinPin, that's really unusual". "Very nice job, he's very enthusiastic". And other words that make me beam and so proud. He is my gift. And I am thankful.
Today he got his first 100 score in Rally-O Excellent B. A perfect score! I knew the judge wanted to give that to him, so I tried like heck to keep him settled and focused. He was and it showed. It was lovely weather, not freezing cold, just perfect for him. Our course did have some stations I have not practiced much at all with Roscoe. Moving drop isn't one of his best, but he does an awesome drop-on-recall in regular obedience, so he should get it. The judge told us at the briefing we could say "down" as many times as we wanted when walking around the dogs, so I DID!! Steve counted 7 times I said DOWN!! LOL!! Whatever, I wanted to be successful and staying in a down on cold, gravely dirt wasn't something Roscoe wanted to do, but we got-er-done! Then he had to do his honor stays in a down while the next dog went. He was perfect. Even resting over on his side for his stay. What a good little man!! My gift!! I thank Sherry Britton for having faith in him even at his most difficult and worst times. She saw his spark and knew it was in him. I didn't believe her, but look at him now!!!!
He is my precious gift. He has humbled me and frustrated me, angered me and scared me, thrilled me and amused me, but regardless of all that he is special and very fun and I am very proud!!!
**Now, in classic Roscoe style as the ribbons were being handed out and the judge was shaking my hand and congratulating me, Roscoe took advantage and started HUMPING HER LEG!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!! Only Roscoe! Thankfully, she saw humor in it and didn't make a fuss. Oh MY!!! He is SO bad! He was definitely feeling pumped up with all the praise he was getting, he was celebrating in the only way he knows. Being BAD!!!!
To see them larger and to see the one of him humping the judge go here -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3vtq4bIR5Y&feature=channel_page fast forward to the one minute mark for the humping part.
To see the routine check out "other videos by roscoespur" and the routine is "roscoe100".
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Should-a, would-a, could-a!! Rally-O today could have been a 100!!
Today at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, I messed up. Just a wee bit. It was SO cold and wet and muddy. See everyone wearing their winter coats?? It's August 28th, for crying out loud!! My coat needs a bath, it is covered in muddy paw prints, but tomorrow may be just as muddy, so would it be too tacky to wear it again tomorrow? I mean, it is COATED in mud. Poor little Roscoe was SO cold I carried him some and his tiny paws were coated in mud like someone had cemented his feet as if to.......well.......now THAT'S not a nice thought. I digress........where was I ............um............OH yeah, the Rally-O trial. As expected the little buggar was SO high, he LOVES Rally, and some of his heeling was on two feet, but I don't think they take points for that? So long as he is in heel position why would they? Do all four feet need to be on the ground? I don't think that's a requirement. "Heel position" is heal position, four feet or two!!! What happened was on one of his halts he "sat" just a tiny bit behind my leg. I could not see that his butt was not exactly on the ground. Darn, if he were a Pomeranian no one could tell!!!! Maybe I'll put hair extensions on him for tomorrow. Hmmmm, hair extensions for a MinPin?? Probably not. So tomorrow his butt will HIT THE GROUND!!!!
The judge LOVED him and came right up to me and said that she would have given him a 100 except for that one halt. Darn it!! Although, if you look at the video really she was being very kind. He was a little erratic. I never had to give him a double command, but he was kind of crazy at times. Notice during the stand where I walk around him, when he gets into his stand he KICKS the dirt before standing still. That's a trick I taught and even thought I don't ask for it he offers it. It's absolutely adorable and you could hear the crowd ooooohing and aaaaaing and chuckling. I had several people come up after and comment about what a good working dog. All this without having practiced since June!! Good little buggar!!
So, tomorrow is another day! 100 here we come. Same judge, she really likes him, so it's totally possible. If I can keep him settled and not being so HIGH, it's totally possible. That elusive 100!
For a slightly better look and one where I think you can expand to fill your screen. It really shows the dirt getting kicked up on his stand!! He's TOO much!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
What do MY dogs do in the heat?

Spur and Roscoe. Yep, even Roscoe goes into the stream. Shallow enough he doesn't have to swim..........

Colby was in there farther up, hunting for HuMonGous Frogs or some such thing. Colby, Huntress Warrior Princess.

Ahhhhhhh, to be a dog!!!! And to hang out with the dogs, with George on a leash!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I need to practice! When bad dogs go good!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The day we know that fall is on our heels

Monday, August 24, 2009
Yeah, Yippee, Yahoo, YESIREEBOB!!!!!
Here is what she thought of the whole thing...............

Can there BE a sweeter horse? I don't think so!

Is deer fly season coming to an end????

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Life rewards, the Premack principle? Or as my mom always said........."Finish your veggies and then you can have desert". I like my veggies!!!

Identify please! Cuz I can't.

Colby started growling when I played the sound. What did she think, it was going to come out of my computer screen and get us???
Friday, August 21, 2009
It happened. Two years ago today.

Sweet Little Punkin Head Monkey Pants Crazy Man Spurminator!!!
My best little buddy!!! When I send in his AKC mixed breed registration, which is coming up in October, his official name will be - "Trout Brook's Spur of The Moment". See, we call our farm Trout Brook Farm. Trout Brook runs smack through the middle of our property. My family all asked me if his name was because he was a spur of the moment decision. Sounds good to me!!!
I will never forget the whole event. From the first day there, helping to clean kennels, apply eye ointment, treat ears, feed, help sex puppies (I probably helped sex him, but I don't remember exactly there were SO many!!), do lime dips. It was horrible, messy work and kind of unnerving since the place was on high security, with hired police guards to keep us safe from the Frascas. :O We had to follow protocol strictly and sign in and out and got lectured on what to do if one of the Frascas approached us. It never happened to me, but I guess it did to others. Then the transition to the temporary shelter on Bishop Street. Not the best deal, no drainage, so cleaning was difficult. The volunteers and hired help were tremendous and it was rewarding, but very hard work. I think I cried in a cage with some worried, troubled dog at least once each time I went. The dogs were scared and sick and some had lots of trouble with all the activity going on trying to care for them and treat the diseases. It was a busy place and the kennel they were used to probably had very little activity. The bare minimum is what it seemed. Their lives were suddenly very different and it was hard on many of them.
Spur got out at 5 months old and he sure has been a lucky boy!!!! I love this little dog. He's a pleasure every single day!!!! One of the nicest dogs I have ever known, for sure. A gem!!!!
He has two Pin Heads to keep him company. He loves his Pin Heads, even Roscoe, he loves............

- don't they look like trouble?????.................

He gets wax beans to eat when picking is good and the picking is good today, so we celebrated this two year anniversary with a wax bean party............

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Eye sockets to pant's pockets. Nose flicker to pants picker. You chose. Does it really matter?
I try like heck to have good running form. I read about that on the Internet. Good form. Cuz, seriously when I watch my agility videos I swear if you put a 5:00 shadow on me, shaved my head, stuffed some icky black shit in my mouth and a batting helmet on me I would look like Dustin Pedroia running the bases. I wing out my arms and that's just not good form. That's what the Internet gurus said. I am now a jogging critic. I feel like yelling out to other joggers............"QUIT RUNNING LIKE THAT!!!"...........I see them with their elbows out, arms up high, wasting energy. But, you know, I watch these joggers and they go for miles and miles. They even jog up very steep hills. I hate them.
Oh well, at least I am still doing it. You thought maybe I quit, didn't you? I didn't, I actually really do feel the benefit. I can run three dogs in agility class and not gasp for air each run any more. My calf, that I tore the muscle on two years ago, never feels bad any more. It did, even two years later I would feel it. Like a can of hot motor oil in the bed of a pick up truck on a 95 degree day, ready to explode, I felt it and wondered when it would tear again. Yes, that did happen to a contractor friend of mine. Oil spewed all over his truck and along the side of the house he was building. What a mess, but my calf.............. I never feel it any more. I am disappointed that I can still see cellulite, though. Yes, even thin people have cellulite. I thought jogging would take that away. Nope, not on me. It's there and there to stay, I guess. Cellulite be damned, I can now say I am a Jogger. I am no Flo Jo, but I am a jogger!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
95 degrees, what??????
Here they are at the end of the day looking tired, but in the shade at least.

Just before that last run. Yes, that's Sponge Bog Square Pants on their bed. I soaked the bed in water, so it was nice and cool for them.

Using Colby to make Spur jealous before I brought him out. We were rewarding contacts, Amanda Shyne style. Easy game, lots of reps. "Find yer It".......actually that's what Amanda says, I say....."Go Hit It"..........but it sound so similar I don't know the dogs would care the different. They speak dog, not English. Wah, wha, wha, wha, wah, but they do hear the occasional sharp sound likt "It"!! :D

Finally, during the last run of the day parts of the ring were in the shade. Phew!!! Doesn't make for good photography, though.

What did I learn?? Mostly a better way to toss his treat bag and remove him from it, but not to remove the bag from him. Send to the bag, run and open it or leave it open, let him eat some, then pull him away from the bag. Never facing the dog. I guess that's important. Others have told me that. I guess I should listen. Their all like Champion, Champion, Champion trainers, so I guess they know what they speak? I learned Spur can work in the heat. I learned that I don't like the heat. I learned that Spur has really, really good weaves. I knew that! I learned that my little Monkey Pants is still worried and needs a LOT more time. I learned that we have Moments Of Brilliance. Did I learn enough? I don't know. I wish I could say YES! It wasn't a cheap seminar. Maybe the treat bag thingie will be more important than I think. I mean, they are like Champion, Champion, Champion trainers.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's hot, what new?

And we have squash! Tons of summer squash and zucchini. We grill it nearly every night. Yum!!!

And then sun himself dry on HIS chaise lounge.