Friday, January 1, 2010

It's a new year and do I really remember the last year and what is a "last year" and does it really matter what year it is?

I started to think of all the poignant things I could say about last year, about what was good, what was bad, what I learned or didn't learn. But, what the heck,......... it's just another year. It's just numbers........... from 2009 to 2010. It's just another season, another month, another day. I got up this morning and still had to stoke the woodstove.I still had to feed the horses, dogs and kitties. I still made my coffee and checked my email. I even checked and commented on facebook. That's new, facebook. Didn't have that in 2008. But, really it's just another day.

So, maybe I can think of things that happened in 2009 that were significant? Like facebook, that didn't happen the previous year. Facebook, a strangely silly waste of time? I dunno...........I would not have known about my niece's braces coming off or my nephew's pit bull, or my sister's cow getting ketosis, or my neighbor becoming a great grandmother. Facebook told me that. I have a new website. Do I make a Facebook page?? With all the time I have extra each day to update things on Facebook? "Social Media"????? What the heck???? I started this blog in 09. Do I really need more social media?????

I got championships on my ten year old MinPins. That didn't happen in 08.....errrr.......well.....ever before. That's pretty big! We are all like Champion, Champion, Champion now!!!! Roscoe got his first perfect score in Rally Obedience. He humped the judge. THAT didn't happen in 08............errrrr..........well..........ever.

I lost a kitty to heart disease, but added two "new" ones to the barn.

I completed 30 days of I/V tetracycline on Jewel for her lyme.

What else happened in 09 that had never happened before? Well, plenty, but that's just how it goes from day to day. New things happen. I am thankful my days are not all the same, even though I still get up each morning and stoke the woodstove and feed the horses, dogs and kitties. I still do all those things. But, things do change. But, things do stay the same.

Like Mr. Zeus.........

He may be a little older, but he's still here and still handsome, grumpy, silly, fat ole Zeus......
Roscoe still smears snot on the door and watches Spur race around the yard in the snow. He wishes he could join in, but the snow is a bummer for him so this time of year he rarely does the chase me game, he watched from his snot smeared window. (Hmmm, if it were not for Facebook would I have cleaned that window??? Maybe.) Roscoe and snow do not get along well. That's the same. Year after year. Roscoe wants to move to Key West with Julie!

Jewel still enjoys a little grazing, although less since her laminitis occurrence, but she still gets some and the snow still covers the pine tree and it still looks very pretty. Year after year. She still digs down for the tender grass shoots.

The Notorious Little Farm Dogs ("official" name now) still have to do sit-stays for photoshoots, no matter HOW cold! It was COLD that day!!!

I still have to deal with house issues while Rich heads off on vacation to Costa Rica. The sump hose froze and I broke the old shovel chipping it out of the pile of mulch it was buried under the other day. Don't misunderstand, I LOVE my alone time when Rich goes off to Costa Rica!!! I HATE travelling!

So, it's just another day, another year. Different, yet still the same. I am glad. I am glad that nothing really bad happened last year, that some really good things happened, that many things stayed the same. Do I have goals for 2010???? Um............sure..........what's life without goals??? Stagnant. I am certainly NOT stagnant, so I have MANY goals. I just won't tell you my goals. Then I would have the pressure. I would have to live up to my standards. And one thing that has seemed to change are my standards. I don't care that I haven't gotten my bedroom painted in 16 years, or that the closet still has clothes in it that haven't seen my body in 20 years. I just don't care about that stuff. I get up each day and stoke the woodstove and feed the horses, dogs and kitties. The days just continue, the same, only different.
Happy New Year, everyone!!! Let's all just stay the same, only different and life will go on...... and as Bobby McFerrin says - "Be Happy, Don't Worry"!!!!!

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