Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Special

Does every dog have a Special? You know, like a Precious? My Precious - said Gollum! Colby does! It's SO precious I save it for special occasions. Like Christmas. Trouble is she then obsesses about it. Like to the point of not letting us play Bananagrams because she is whining at us to bring back out her Special. It gets put away so it stays "Special". However, this year I was getting fed up with the whining, the staring, the obsession!! I asked my friend Cin about it and what the heck, man?? She has border collies, this sort of obsession isn't even on her "radar". Like it's just part of the day, it happens, it's normal every day dog behavior in her house. Oh MY! She suggested I leave it out to let it's specialty wear off some. I tried, she then held it in her mouth and whined at us to play with her. What the heck, man????...........

So, this morning I decided to try leaving it out again since I would be in and out all morning I wouldn't be around to hear her whine and even if she did, so what, who would hear it??? I think it worked!!!!! I did get this photo journal of her obsession, though, before I headed out. The purple ball is my attempt to find another Special. Nothing has ever trumped the blue Special and neither did the purple ball. It's different. I even bought two red ones, but they just are not Special enough. She does like the other attempts at replicating the Special, but they are not the same thing...............
She gave a look at the purple, but nope, not her Special by any means.......
Spur wants her Special. He isn't obsessed about it, but since SHE is he wants it. Like he doesn't have enough, he even has his own. I gave him the red one and it's been his ball ever since. It's so worn now it doesn't squeak, it's all icky and about to fall apart from slime and drool. He wants the Special.........
She will stare at the Special.........In a flash, she grabbed the Special and dropped it into the other bed???..... and then Roscoe managed to plop down on the other one. Oops, faux pax...........that means Roscoe guards his bed. He doesn't guard the Special, he could care less about the Special, but his bed........he guards...........
Spur made the mistake of trying for the Special. Roscoe........in for the kill.........(notice Colby's ears? Canine body language for "Spur you dumb ass!!!!")...........

So, now we have a stand off. The Special is being guarded by Roscoe, sort of. Colby knows Spur might try again to head in and grab it, so she has positioned herself between Spur and the Special. Spur is on his side appeasing her. Roscoe is staring her straight in the eye..........

She makes her way ever so slowly closer, Spur does more appeasing behavior - finds something to scratch on his leg.........Roscoe is allowing Colby closer by turning way from her and not directly looking at her, she is focused on her Special.............

Here she has managed to inch closer, which also brought Spur closer. Roscoe is figuring it isn't necessary to guard his bed any more, she is obviously interested in the Special and not his bed.............

Success!!!!! You can barely tell, but Roscoe is still there in his bed and not making a fuss. Spur is about to make a full yawn - canine appeasing behavior and he isn't looking directly at Colby. I think she is looking directly at Spur, though............
She heads out with the Special, but Spur has to make one last attempt/mistake - and checks out the bed to see if the Special is still there. Notice Roscoe? He just launched at Spur and has retreated after his "attack"!!! Spur just doesn't learn.........or doesn't care?
Now they are BOTH staring at the Special!!!!............
ACK, obsession!!! I don't know that leaving it out is working. Sigh.
Moral of this story??? Um, nothin'. Just fun story. I always wonder what my pack order is when I do these photo journals or video my dogs. You know Cesar Milan would say there is a leader and a low man in every pack. Who's the leader and who's the low man in my pack? Cesar would say that I am the leader. Really? Who ended up with the Special? Doesn't the leader have access to all the resources? Um............sure.........like I really even want that Special????? I am NOT a dog, I do NOT want that slimy thing!! Colby can have it!!!! So, is Roscoe the leader? He did get the best bed, right? He guarded the other bed, but then Colby got it. Is Spur the low man? Probably. He does seem to be lowest ranking, but at times he challenges Roscoe and wins. When Spur has his ball or any other toy and doesn't want Roscoe to have it he WILL fight for his rights. Roscoe will submit to Spur at those times. Who is lower ranking??? I dunno.........However, most of the time Spur is submitting to Roscoe. Roscoe can simply look at him at times and he is flat on his back, belly up. So, who's the leader????? Don't ask Cesar. He doesn't know. It's my house and I don't know. And really, does anyone really care who is leader? I mean, if we are talking president or lead singer in a band, maybe, but leader of the pack in my household? Who cares?
My take on it all is there is no leader, no one leader. Dodman would tell me to never let Spur challenge Roscoe. Roscoe will be old some day and unable to defend himself against Spur. Age before youth. So, I agree and honor that statement. Spur is not allowed to challenge Roscoe. Not much, anyway, I put a stop to it and Roscoe is protected. I must! Roscoe needs to feel safe. Spur could kick his ass if he wanted. I see the ranks in my pack change depending on the situation. Colby gets the best spot in the car and in the bed, but she isn't allowed to be bitchy towards the others. She isn't leader and doesn't get ALL the best resources. She gets some. Spur gets some. Roscoe gets some. No leader. No pack order. It just isn't so and does anyone really care??? But, when it comes to the blue Special, that's ALL Colby's!!!!

One last photo for the day, just cuz it's WICKED CUTE. Spur with the HUGE bear toy they got for Christmas!!! Does it get any cuter than that???? Is there anything cuter than Spur?

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