Sunday, March 7, 2010

Collie Club Rally O trial report!

Well..........what can I say, Roscoe didn't continue his perfect score card. Nope, not HARDLY, the little monster!! He was way more comfortable there then I thought he would be. It is, after all, a hotel. Strange place for an obedience trial. They put down plastic in the seating and crate area, over the rug. It made warm up slippery and strange. But, he did fine. Fine enough that he was kind of a brat! We failed the three steps back. Gotta say, that didn't surprise me. I had to regroup on that exercise when I realised I trained his backwards weaving around my legs with the same cue word I use for the back up three steps. Dumb ass, I am.

So, failed that = 10 points off. I should have started the exercise over and tried it again, but I didn't. That would have been only 3 points off. Then as we come around by the crowd the little buggar takes a DETOUR!!! Detour, detour, someone in the crowd might have something good to eat!!! Alert, alert, here comes Roscoe!!! Um, NO, little shit, thankfully came running back to heel position, so actually no points off for that. Good GRIEF, DUDE, what WERE you thinking???? NO, you are not going to go steal food from the nice old lady in the skirt smiling at you thinking you are so cute with your high stepping Hackney Pony prance! NOT!!!!

Then, he pulls off the rest of it pretty well, but his honor stay..........OI! He whined and cried and complained the WHOLE time!! He was supposed to sit while the next dog went, but NO, little shit has to go down, sit up, go down, whine, whine, whine!!!! I was ready to roast him on a spit and feed him to the crows! >:/ Of course, everyone watching says he did "Such a super job! Great little dog", and on and on it went. I asked them if they SAW his stay??????? They were all like.....Oh yeah, but his routine was so cute! Um, cute, doesn't get a good score and he got an 80! ACK! NOT a good score.

And to top it off somehow we got put into the A class. We are supposed to be in B, since both dogs have CD's. So, the runs won't count. Just as well, I don't want an 80 score on his record! Let's just pretend it never happened - K?

Colby, she did good. Good little girlie, she is. She stayed in her sit with only a little whining. What's with this whining Pin Heads? She had two points off for going to sniff the wall. The wall??? Um, OK, whatevah? Then two points off for a crocked sit and double command I think in the corner, or something, but it was not bad for a 96. She was distracted, but not terribly bad.

My friend Lisa and her Shih Tzu's?? They ROCKED!!! Her first time doing Rally and her tiny Stella won her class with a 98. And Douce would have a near perfect score, but she messed up a couple of the exercises. They looked AWESOME!! Stella beat a doberman, a golden, a german shepherd and a collie!! How cool is THAT????

Roscoe's routine -

Colby's routine -

Douce, the shih tzu's routine. In Novice they don't have to do stays and are on leash -

Stella's routine -

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