It's in the shade, so you can't really see, but before the straw was loaded on this trailer we looked at that bit of machinery on the trailer and wondered WHAT THE HECK was it???? (I had a close up shot from before the straw was loaded, but I can't find it now). We just couldn't figure it out. It had a place for the bale, but it was definitely not a baler. Now we know!!!! It's a
mulcher!!! It chews up the straw and shoots it out. They use it for mulching the strawberries.

Before the crazy hail storm our poppies were BRILLIANT! Sadly, the hail storm kind of beat them down, but enjoy these amazing photos. I don't even remember where I got these plants, but they are so awesome!!!!

As we head into July, the lilies will open. Such pretty time of year, June and July!!!!
For those of you not on facebook, remember this weekend has lots of doggie events to attend. Starting today four days of breed and obedience shows at the Cumberland fairgrounds. Starting tomorrow three days of agility at Wasamki Springs campground. I'll be there running my dogs. And Saturday and Sunday Dock Diving at the Cabela's parking lot in Scarborough. All these events are free to spectators so go watch some dogs having great fun, regardless of the weather!!!!
Last night at agility class Spur came out again. I gave him two weeks off. It was Roscoe's turn. With three days of outdoor agility I needed to try to get some conditioned emotional response to doing outdoor agility and Roscoe got to run, alone. He went to class alone last week, he was THE dog at the seminar last weekend. It was his time. My time with him is limited, due to the inability to control aging. He's at least twelve. He's slowing down some, I can see it and it makes me sad. He still enjoys class, though!
Last run of the night, I decided to pull out Spur. It was the full course, kind of hard and lots of back sides. HE FREAKIN' SMOKED IT!!!! Instructor Anne was like......what have you been doing with him???? I said, much he has been on break. He was ON FIRE!! Leaping the a-frame apex, running perfect dog walks, doing super tight turns. He was FLYING. I think he needed that break. It needs to be part of our training program. On occasion, The Spur Man needs a break. I do think it also helps that we have the jealousy factor going on. There has been some screaming. Pull out Roscoe = crazy, monkey screams of despair from The Spur-minator! So sad.......good to make him want it that bad. I hope he shows that intensity this weekend!! :D And I hope there isn't too much rain for Roscoe. He will NOT run in rain, no way, it's a bummer man. No rain for Roscoe!!