Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is this not the most spectacular fall???

As I drove to my first kitty visit this morning in the misty rain, it occurred to me that this has to be one of the prettiest falls! The colors are absolutely fantastic!!! Even in the cold rain, passing our neighbor Dweebe's house (his name is something else, but we call him Dweebe - it just fits), I wished I had my camera to stop and photograph the colors surrounding his junk yard. He does have a bit of a junk yard. Old tractors, old cars, farm tools and equipment, all over his yard and many of it with "for sale" signs that have been there forever and it's always a mess. He probably thinks it is lovely and all that valuable stuff there shows his net worth or something. He's a local character, probably lived here his whole life. I hear his mother lives with him, but I have never seen her. I see him sometimes chatting with people in his junk yard, always dressed in auto-mechanic-blue and flannel, I suppose they are negotiating a price on something valuable in the yard. He wears a hat from the tire store. The junk and the fall colors looked beautiful this morning.

Yesterday I visited with Maybell-Camo-Kitty.

She blends in with the leaves! I can never get a straight on photo of her because she just keeps walking up to me, rubbing on my legs. Sweet kitty!

What more can I say? The fall colors are LOVELY this year!
**Just to let you know - tomorrow Colby gets her MACH. Master Agility Championship. You know, we have been trying to get that for! When a dog gets that they can put those four letters before their name. Most AKC dogs have long names, like.........."Downeast Frozen Sea-Man "...that's my friend's dog.........or "Tequilas Hi Octane Accelerator".......I don't know that dog, but I like that name..........or "Thornapple Ragtime Rave Revue"......I wonder what that dog's call name is ...........Rag? Thorn?........
...........I don't know that dog, but it often gets 100 in Rally, although Roscoe beat him the one time we competed against him, because our time was faster. Roscoe MOVES out!
My dogs names? -
Spur - well, I decided to try registering him as a papillon and had to come up with one of those long AKC breed names, so he is actually registered as -
"Trout Brook Spur Of The Moment" Sounds so official? So AKC.
Right now I call Colby - "The Never Gonna MACH Dog Colby", to which she smiles and wiggles her tail at me as if that is such a cool name and she loves it. Tomorrow she will become "MACH Colby".
Or, we may NOT get her MACH tomorrow and her tail will still wiggle and she will still think she has a cool name!!!!

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