Spur and Roscoe enjoy the chase-me game. This video is last winter, but it clearly shows the issue = the table and chair legs they sometimes run through. I try to manage the game and prevent it, but sometimes they head right through there.
Well, yesterday morning Roscoe impaled himself on a chair leg. Stopped him dead short!! He smashed his mouth and broke a tooth. I think the tooth will be OK, it's just broken at the bottom and still seems firmly rooted. His head, neck and back are a bit sore. Took him to the vet for cold lazer and acupressure. Gave him aspirin and hopefully he'll be just fine. Poor little guy!!!
I hate to think this could end his chase-me games. Those are SUCH good exercise.
I may not get on here to post for a while. WAY busy day today and tomorrow as soon as my walks are done we are off to RI for the BARK trial. I can't WAIT!!!! I love that site. Long drive, but the site is lovely and the hotel really nice!!!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
11 months ago
Obviously, you'll have to get rid of that patio furniture as it is getting in the dogs' way.