Saturday, May 22, 2010

ACK, the days just blend into one!

I have trouble when my house gets torn up. I am SO sick of the destruction. Another window had to come out. Another room covered in dust. Another room where all my neat and tidy items, all piles neat in space, in MY space, in my order I need to function. I can't function in debris!!! It SO messes with my head. I can't keep my self on tract. It's wierd. I have to have ORDER!! It is SO getting old.........Ugh, I don't like living in a home like this...........Debris? Colby thinks it's just fine and dandy!! In fact, the more debris, the better!! Just look are her at her favorite debris pile............

This is our wood pile, our storage area, our debris area, Colby's debris area. It is on the other side of the agility yard and when I am working the other dogs Colby has now decided hunting in the debris is WAY more fun. Her squinty eyes just can't handle judging the jumps and tunnels and dog walk, so she heads off to hunt. She could hunt here ALL DAY LONG!!!

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