Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Beach party anyone? November 10th, yes - we live in Maine!

They said 60's today. Low tide this morning. Kathy and I decided to take the dogs to the beach before I headed off doing my mid-days. We ran into the cutest shihtzu mix. Duke, Dude, we weren't sure, but he was cute and obsessed with George's ass! Spur, of course, could only think of one thing.........attaching himself to George's neck. Poor George, he puts up with it..........why?? Got me!? That's one tick I would kick it's ass if it tried attaching to MY neck! George just let's him do it time and again, so our walk consists of me yelling ...........SPURRRRRRRRRRR..........actually, it's more like........SPR!..............really fast, sharp, clear. It's said differently than Spur. Or SPURRRRRRRRRRRR. It's just a quick sharp......Spr!, as if the letters run together and there isn't a U in there. Spr!!!! He knows that Spr!, means "Remove yourself from George's neck, please, NOW!" It sounds different.........Spr!! SPR!I am just about to yell.........SPR! (see him hone in on George's neck like a magnet?)Phew, little shihtzu-mix broke it up and Spur looks at me, like..... Whaaaaat? Got a cookie?? George and shihtzu-mix sniff privates........

Finally Spur breaks free of his tick hold.............

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