Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What's new? Nothin', wet, damp, moldy, sloppy, wet........

Did I say wet already? Wet, wet, wet, wet, wet, wet.............it's just WET! Does this look familiar?

And they had not even been chasing mamma turkey through the tall grass. This was after a regular walk on the mowed path. If I was not worried about my camera getting wet I would bring it along to show all the snails that LOVE the grass clippings along the edge of the path. They must like the dying grass because they blanket those clippings. I mean, they are everywhere, but on the clippings they are like COVERING it!!! Last night after picking lettuce for our daily salad I had to wash off the snails. Ewwwwww!! That is one good thing, our lettuce is thriving!

After our walks, Roscoe doesn't like being touched (remember he is autistic?), so I don't towel him off. I can carefully wipe his legs and belly with a soft horse brush, but that's it. I just don't want him practicing aggression, so he doesn't get toweled off. However, he manages to "towel" himself just fine. These were taken as he rubs and rubs himself on the furniture and rug, rolling and shaking and rubbing off the damp!! This is a ritual that occurs after every wet walk!!!

And to show you that Roscoe WILL work in rain and wet, check out this photo from the Topsfield trial two weeks ago. Poor little buggar had to take off and land over that jump in about 2" of water!! Later that day they moved the whole ring to higher ground.


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