Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What GREAT weather!!

I can feed the dogs their bones OUTSIDE now!!! The world is so GREEN right now! Some of my flowers are blooming, but most have just budded and won't open for a little while. I love it when it's so lush and rich and thick.

Roscoe is off by himself. He would never chew his bone in the company of others!! Colby and Spur are good friends. They would fight over a bone, but they would not look at the others. They respect each other.
I tried to get Rich to take some still shots of Spur on the dog walk. I thought this one was cool. It's like he's trying to touch his front paw with his back paw!!!

The one paw touch down!!!

This was really the shot I was looking for, only not really. Spur likes to flat out jump the up apex and on video it looks really cool. Like he's just floating over it totally stretched out. I think the next stride from this one might have been it, but I'm not sure. We will try again. My camera has a multi shot feature, but I couldn't seem to get it to work. ????

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