So, we called Kathy to meet out for a walk. She said she'd be right out, so we snap on collars,
Pugsley's "Stop
Buggin' Me", leashes and baggies and head out. I see someone coming through the woods. Kind of surprised Kathy got out so quickly, but whatever.......I send Spur...."Where's George!!!???". Something I say every time we meet up with Kathy and George. Spur looks ahead immediately, always knowing what I am saying. He starts trotting off and quickly he looks like this......

That's not a "Hi George" posture!! That's an alert!!! Big time alert! It was Mary and Pepper, our neighbors. Pepper is, um...., 13 and a big black, grumpy dog. She hates our dogs and they hate her. She is always on a leash and mine are not and since it's our property I don't leach my dogs and we manage to pass them as nicely as possible, but it isn't always nice. Anyway,! Spur wasn't impressed with my mistake.
I mean, seriously, the posture!! What happened to his neck??? -

However, I do love to see the plume of his lovely tail in alert posture!!! -

We pass Mary, but it takes a while for the tail to settle down.

Then we find George. -

**notice something strange about these photos? No? They show sunlight shining on their coats. Remember that????
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