Monday, October 24, 2011

Cows took over!!! And a sunflower update.

We call him Pin Head. Not like the Pin Heads in our house, though. He IS a Pin Head. Just look at him!! He's ENORMOUS and yet, his head is so little. The cows have bigger heads and are probably half his size.

I'll have to try to get a photo of him side by side with a cow. I did have one, but his "lipstick" needed to be put back. :O NOT appropriate for a blog. Ick!
I mean, really, he has enough hanging out. We don't need to see his "lipstick", too.
They took over the back pasture. They are happy cows! The dogs? They can't quite get the new route. Years of passing through this pasture and not we have to go around??? It's a nice, new path, but old patterns are hard to break. I am NOT going into that pasture with Pin Head. He sure seems mild and gentle, but..............did you look at him, he's HUGE???? Plus, there is now another line, the fence is doubled, so not as easy to just walk under it....zap!!!. I'm OK with that, not getting zapped. Walk around, that's just fine!!!! Roscoe isn't so keen on the new path in spots. The woody stalky bits left after mowing it hurt his tender little toes. It will get better, but right now it is a little sharp for him on one section.
We are all curious about the sunflowers. The carbine has arrived, but it's FAR too wet to get in and harvest. Some of them seem a little moldy? But, really, many of them look perfectly fine and just as you would expect a sunflower seed to look. I'll try to get a close up shot.

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