My dad called this morning to tell me his barned burned down. All three horses, pigs, some cows, sheep and young meat birds died, along with all his tools and horse equipment and hay. He woke at 2 AM and found it fully engulfed. He tried to open the back door to get to his beloved Gus, his 28 year old horse, but the heat was too much. I am sure by then all the animals were gone. :(
They think a heat lamp for the young meat birds did it. Thankfully, the barn is not attached to the house, so the house was spared and no human loss, but honestly I think my dad loved that horse more than any just about any other being. Truly. He had him since he was 6 months old and the horse had been doing SO well, showing the younger horses how to work. He worked him a lot even still. The relationship one has with an animal for so many years is precious and rare. That's a LONG time to take care of something every day and love it the way my dad did that horse. It just breaks my heart. I know, it is tragic for all the animals, but extra painful to lose Gus this way.
Devastating. Gus is the horse on the right..........
Oh no! That is just devastating. I am so sorry for your losses.