Friday, June 11, 2010

To trade or not to trade

I have a job this weekend for a couple of my favorite kitties. Cleo and Daisy. Daisy is about 18? 20? with irritable bowel syndrome. Poor sweet girl eats, then has to run to her box. Then eat and run back to the box. She gets fed three time/day. Last time I did this job I traded for a massage. Laura is THE best!! It was by far the greatest massage I have ever had. Just luxurious! I felt re-energized! Here's the deal - she offered a trade again and I am hesitating. Trial season is upon us and this weekend's paycheck could cover my next entries, almost. I am definitely feeling the pinch and entries are NOT cheap. I also just booked a private with Lo Baker, of which I am SO excited!! Lo is my all time favorite agility instructor, but again - not cheap and she is in Alton, NH, so there is the added gas on top! But, I try to get a private with her twice in the summer, if I can. And this year especially because she has mentioned they are moving to NC if they can sell their property. Bummer, man!

I am feeling unfit at the moment and in bad need of a boost to my exercise regimen. I totally dropped the ball on my running. Haven't run half hour on the treadmill back March? What a LOSER!! I have been "running", though, since I DO have to run with everything I have when I am training Spur's running contacts, but it isn't sustained, and it sure isn't three miles of running. I MUST get back to that!! It SO helped me last year. After that calf injury the running was the only thing that really helped fully heal that. It was healed, but the running strengthened and secured it, I guess. It was the first time I had not felt that calf after running agility, so the running is a good thing if I am going to be sprinting around an agility course!!! MUST get back to that!!!

So, more than a massage I need to start my running again. Next time I'll trade for a massage.

Our bird population is ever expanding. The blue birds are considering a nest in the yellow house again this year. Activity is high there lately. We even saw what looked like a scuffle between males? You can't tell this is a blue bird, but it is................

The phoebe's have hatched on the side of the barn. The chickadees are almost gone from the red house. Busy birds this time of year!

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