Training wee Spur for agility has been challenging. His first five months in a kennel (shelter) shows, and he worries about things. Was this nature or nurture? I am convinced it is both. Had he been raised in a perfect home, exposed to all sorts of sounds and things like a good breeder would do, I think he still would have some worries because it is just his nature. So, I have to work a little extra hard to get him over these worries. Doing teeter games and making the scary teeter a fun thing is essential. It doesn't help that during some of his baby games he managed to get his tail under it and crunched pretty hard to scare him badly about the teeter. And that I was involved has not helped us any. He associates ME with that tail crunch.
So..........I have a plan and now that the weather is good I can implement that plan. Spur LOVES his friends!!! He has never met a stranger and adores everyone he meets. He is so darn cute that everyone adores him right back. That is something I can use to my advantage. I am going to have "Teeter Parties" at our friend's yards. I have recruited them to help me, so that they, too are involved with the scary teeter. That takes some pressure off our relationship, helps make the teeter a fun event...........lots of yummy cookies given by awesome friends can help change his emotions about the teeter. Today was our first party. Off to Steve and Laura's where they helped us have an awesome Teeter Party!!! Spur was pretty excited!!! They could see his worry, but he tried like heck and I do think he had a fun time!!
Special Teeter Parties are going to be on our schedule now at least once/week!! I want to change his emotions about the teeter and hopefully this will really help. I want to see that look he has in this photo when he thinks about the teeter!!!! Poised and ready to go with a big smile on his face!!! We can do it!