This was our first outdoor trial for 2009! A REALLY nice weekend, if maybe a little hot! My friend Laura and I only did Saturday, knowing we would want to be home on Sunday doing yard work. Colby would have double Q'd, but something outside the ring got her in the weaves and she popped out. BUT, she did her teeter which has been an issue every since her MAJOR fly-off in CT. It has always been a scary obstacle for her, but since the fly-off she has refused it a few times. Outdoors it is always better for her, so I was pleased at that. Everything else she did perfectly. Roscoe ran an AWESOME standard run, coming seconds with-in time of the super fast shelties and schnauzers we compete against. I was very pleased. Someone outside the ring commented on it being the fastest they had seen, yet, but I think because he is so small he can sometimes look faster. He was several seconds behind 4-5 other dogs. A very respectable time with about 30 dogs in our class! Jumpers had Colby in 5th place. Roscoe had a meltdown. I think maybe a bug or a bee got in his way. He just basically quit on me half way through and missed his weave entry.
We had a GREAT drive home listening to the RedSox/Yankees game, though! Wow, what an awesome game that was!!!! GO SOX!!!!
Yesterday all the dogs got baths. It was sunny and warm in the yard to dry off. We then headed out on a long farm walk with the shihtzus and George. I am using a tick repellent called "Quit Bugging Me" from Pugsley's Choice. Spur hasn't had a tick since I started using it!! I just spritz his belly and legs. He was getting one/day for a while there. I have them all with Frontline, but the ticks still have to bite them, so it looks like this repellent is working pretty well!!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
11 months ago
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