Poor Roscoe hasn't had a decent walk I ages!'!! I really should get him to the park one of these days, but I'm exhausted after blazing ANOTHER trail with Spur each afternoon. Seems like we just get the trail packed down and we get MORE snow!'!!
Spur and I are in GREAT shape, but it is getting OLD!!!! And more snow is in the forecast. I hate to be a complainer, but I am tired........
I finally decided to try the balloon booties for Spur and I am THRILLED!!!! They prevent the terrible snow/ice balls he would get. I'm so happy with them!'!! I am using the slightly large size, easier to get on and they stay ON!!! I don't even know why, but they do!!!! He is so much happier!!!! I have even bought some for my clients dogs!!!! To keep their feet for hurting with the huge amount of salt applied on the roads.
I tried a small and and xsmall and the small works fine!!!

Moose tried them, too!,

There is this new rage about these exercise balls made for dogs, called Fitballs. Huh???? Why not just get the dogs out in the SNOW???? I can't think of a better work out!!!! I guess if you can't get out, well, the exercise balls are better than nothing, but really!??? just take your dog for a hike!!!!
Love the booties! I'll have to look into them. Do you think they would prevent at all from extreme cold, or just prevent the snowballs?