Monday, September 8, 2014

MACH2 Spur!!!!

We did it!!! My first ever double MACH dog! Hah, who would have ever thought?????? He has become so consistent and happy and it just warms my heart to thnk of how much fun he has doing this funny sport!!!! the whole MACH thing, though, is interesting. We saw someone after, a "normal" person and I bragged about his big day. she asked......OH wow!! he WON???? Well, no he just ran clean so many times that we get this big celebration, the crowd holds their breath and then cheers and I go hug the judge, then do a small victory lap to more cheering and then we get a big ribbon and a jump bat. it is tradition. glad it's over and we can just run again without that pressure. It's just all a bit silly, but hey, we celebrate milestones and, well, running that many clean runs IS a milestone and, damn it, I paid a LOT of money to get that stupid ribbon!!!!!!

He sure is cute with his giant ribbon!!!!

back to normal life. 

watching the few hummingbirds on their way south. Still have a few stragglers!!!!

watching the flowers slowly finish blooming and the gardens slowly closing their buds and soon going to sleep for the winter. ACK!!!!! Seems way too soon, but I do relish the fall air and lovely fresh sun and breezes!!!!

The flowers have been truly spectacular this year!!!! 

My first time growing cleome!!!! Thanks Kathy!!! In LOVE this ever blooming flower!!!!! Adds such bright and pretty pink to my orange dominant garden!!!!

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