Not sure if I can come up with a day, maybe ever, that was as much fun!!!!
Started out with an amazing flight from Portland to Bar Harbor!!!! The day was bright and sunny and the fall colors just starting to really look brilliant!'! Flying over the coast of Maine has to be one of the nicest things to do!!! Such spectacular scenery, the islands, the boats, the coves, the lighthouses, the fishing boats and sailboats, the little harbors and island towns, just incredible!!!! And this from someone who has had to go to therapy for a year just to get into the plane!!!
Flying over Mount Dessert island is pretty spectacular, too. The hills and valleys and more coves and quaint towns. Little Spur came with us and did great!!! I am sure he wasn't thrilled by the engine sound, but ultimately it is a more comfortable ride for him than in a car. Certainly shorter, but also way less bumpy and no stop and got, so a way smoother ride.
I was very proud! And glad to know he wasn't too freaked. He certainly seemed more relaxed than me!!! Good little monkey pants!!!
We hiked the most amazing Mount Maszell which had stone steps all the way to the top!!! that was a bit of a challenge even for us three who are in really good shape. But, very cool!!!
The photos are not in order. This is from downtown Bar Harbor where we shopped after lunch....
Lunch was outside on a little patio. Spur got some grilled chicken and sat out with us like a perfect gentleman!!!!
Thar is Mt. Mansell. Not that big, about 1000 feet, but the steps up made it a great work out.
This was relaxing along Long Pond after our decent.
The photos just don't do the trails justice!! it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Can you find Spur? He went down for a dip!!!!
Blue Hill in the background!!! Where I went to High school!
That is actually the trail!
This was spotted across the pond on another peak.

See the stone steps!!!! There were hundreds of them!!! Doing the stair stepper in its natural environment!!! LOL!!!!