We had a private with Lo Baker today. It was LOVELY! Hot, but not too, too hot. Always awesome to get a private with Lo. Rare, we have to drive to Alton NH to do that and I rarely have the time. But, I try to fit it in a couple time/year. I often share with someone, but this time was all me and it was really nice. Roscoe was a ROCK star!! He was all pumped after being Captain Roscoe last night and being the only dog along on our evening boat ride. I try to make sure he gets special time and he loves the boat WAY more than the other two. They get kind of nervous, but Roscoe, he LOVES it!! It fascinates him, the water, the
bouyes, the birds, the seaweed. We forgot the camera, unfortunately, because it was a BEAUTIFUL night. We watched a seal find a rock outcrop in the water and balance on it as the tide lowered and exposed it. Very cool, magical evening on the water!!
Spur got his turn and Lo seemed pretty pleased with out work. After the lesson I took the dogs to her lovely pond and let Colby hunt frogs (she never catches them, but she "works" that pond relentlessly!!!) and chippies while Spur swam. Roscoe hung out hoping for some treats, HE doesn't swim. Spur hasn't been the most confident swimmer, but TODAY he SWAM!!! He
leaped into the water, swam to the middle of the pond and had a GREAT time!!! -
You can barely see his tiny head, he's that far out!! Good little retriever......
Then he had to have a good roll!!
Great pictures! I can't believe Spur went out so far :) I should have gone with you. Stella would have enjoyed the swim.