Roscoe has taught me that. That awesome peripheral vision so necessary when you have a reactive (aggressive) dog. I am always on the look out for incoming dogs or folks reaching to pat him. It's something one learns quickly with dogs like Roscoe. I am VERY quick to say......."NOT friendly"......and if that doesn't work......."He will BITE you!!". He has never bitten anyone. I simply do not let it happen. OK, OK, he bit my friend Cindy when she was giving him a treat. He snatches treats, little shark! She now tosses him treats! OK, then there was the time he bit me for pulling a tick off his asshole. Yeah, yeah, next time he gets muzzled if he has a tick on his asshole. What WAS I thinking???? He is TOTALLY adorable and that makes it hard. Folks reach for him without asking, which is so not cool, but people don't think a small, cute dog might not WANT to be patted. And that's just how it is, so I have to be really good at watching my surroundings. I don't let people pat him. Plain and simple, I am really aware of my surroundings and have awesome peripheral vision!! Thanks Roscoe!!!
The other day, ..........not so good. It happened in a FLASH. Like a lightening bolt that takes you buy surprised, it's over in seconds, and done.
*No, Roscoe didn't bite anyone. Remember I said I don't let it happen?*
I ran over a chipmunk on my scooter!!!! Dead. Dead by scooter. And believe me I am VERY in tune with my surroundings on my scooter. I am always watchful for dogs, cats, wild turkeys, dumb bicycle riders (seriously THEY are my worse road danger!! "Share the road"....Um...OK....if the stooooooopid idiot bicyclers would only be mindful of THEIR surroundings I would be happy to share!!!! Dumb idiots!!!), other vehicles, old ladies who forget to stop at the stop sign, or dumb ass chicks in their SUV who think just because I am turning left at the green light they can make the other turn without stopping and give me a HEART ATTACK then wave at me as if THAT will make me feel better - dumb ass chick you had a RED LIGHT!!!!! >:/
OK, so even with all that awesome awareness and heightened peripheral vision.............dead by scooter little chippie. Just a bump in the road......................
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
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