Spur's first AKC trial. Measuring judge measures him, BARELY, at 14". He hesitated, made some mumbly comment......."hmm, pretty close.....hmmm...." and I almost piped up......"Come on asshole, don't make my dog jump 16"!!", but I didn't and he put down 14". Phew. 14.1" and he would have to jump 16, not 12 and 12 is comfortable for him. We want comfortable for Spur!!
He was weirded out by stuff in the morning and I had this sinking feeling we were doomed with this outdoor trial. Weather was threatening, the measuring issue worried him.......I was worried. I don't want him to jump 16"!!! I was worried about his measuring. The yellow caution tape around the place, flapping in the breeze worried him, the lady dragging the luggage on wheels worried him, it was kind of freaky in the morning. But, our first run was A-OK. No major meltdowns, he actually looked pretty happy! Trotted into his weaves, but that was the only place that looked kind of down. The rest of it was A-OK.
He won three of his four classes (there were not many in his class, but still!!). Saturday's standard I mis-qed his dog walk, so we had an F for that, but otherwise it was a nice run. I haven't loaded that one, yet. All in all, he did great!!! I see improvement and I know it is going to be a long, slow process, but he isn't getting worse at trials. He's learning they are pretty fun, not so scary, and not so worrisome. YAY!
Roscoe - he's another story. We just seem to be in a toilet flush. Spiraling into a shit hole. I made the decision he is not going to do outdoor trials any more. Well, after the Cumberland trials because I can't scratch those now since it has already closed. He runs fine, double q'ed Saturday and q'd on Sunday morning. I pulled him from his jumpers because of the rain. NO running in rain, ever again for him and now I have decided no running outdoors. He doesn't like outdoor trials, it doesn't feel good to me or him, so sad as it is (I enjoy outdoors!!) he will not be entering outdoor trials from now on. It just isn't fun for us and they are too expensive just to do it for the q's. It's not about that to me.
I sure did miss running Miss Colby this weekend. This was her favorite trial site. She had her best runs at this site. She and I were such a nice, comfortable team. We ran well together, we didn't worry, I knew I had a dog out there enjoying herself. It was easy. Spur and Roscoe - not so easy. They are a lot of work.
I look forward to running Colby in the two jumpers runs at Cumberland. I think her eyes can handle that. The sun should be high in the sky, which is a better deal for her. The low shadows, with the low sun gets her. I have run her some in my yard lately and she has done great!
It was very fun running a "Canine Partner" at an AKC trial. There were not many of us, but we all are very proud of our mutts. God forbid they call them mutts, A? They are "Canine Partners". LOL!! Whatevahhhhhhh..........I love that mutts can now do AKC agility. I LOVE it! Of course, Spur is such a big hit being SO FREAKIN' cute. We got a lot of comments about his cuteness. :D And this little mutt beat all his competition. I know there were not many in his class, but still he beat all the breed dogs!!! :D Does that make me a mutt snob? Maybe. I do love my mutts!
I ran Lisa's shih tzus, since her broken toe is still not healed. Douce had mamma concerns and looked for her a few times, but then had moments of BRILLIANCE!! He is really fun to run, he is fast and loved some of the things we did out there and had some awesome moves. Awesome tight back cross to a tunnel that had people commenting about it after......"oooh, you did that nice back cross, we thought about it, but chickened out"........"Wow, nice back cross with that shih tzu"........and other things that made me smile. No q's for him, but some run moments out there. He was worried. Unsure why mamma wasn't running him. It's a weird thing and I'm pleased he finished the courses with me! His sister Stella only did one jumpers run. We had no idea how she would do, she has major meltdowns indoors. She ROCKED!! She isn't very well put together and doesn't jump well at all, so she was only jumping 4" jumps and she LOVED it!! She huffed and huffed and scooted around the course with GLEE!!! OMG, she was TOO freakin' cute!!! Not sure if we have video of that. She missed a couple jumps, so excited doing it she just didn't even "see" them? I brought her around and made her do them since she was SO happy. She was adorable. Won her class. OK - so she was the ONLY dog IN her class, but STILL!!! :D Cute little thing!!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
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