My beautiful poppies would be gone........covered in oil.........
This sweet little chickadee and it's babies would be gone. Covered in oil........
And I'm worried about how little Spur will do at the agility trial this weekend? I am lucky. I am very lucky I can worry about that. That little green worm is very lucky it lived to be fed to some fledglings. We are all very lucky, up here safe from this disaster. There are some unlucky beings in a very big oil diseaser right now and it makes me sad this morning.
I remember the day a barn swallow fell into a bucket of oil. I was about 13 at the time and no one was home to help me. The little bird was immersed in the oil. The thought of washing it off the tiny thing was daunting. I knew enough about birds to know that stressing such a tiny thing would probably kill it. I wanted to simply put it out of it's misery. Not sure how to do in the best way possible, I decided I would do it so I couldn't SEE it happen. I put the little bird on the ground and dropped a big cinder block on it. Dead by block, just like that. No suffering, it was dead instantly. I felt good about my deed, but I do think of that tiny bird when I think of this disaster.
Another oil mishap occurred when Rich has JUST finished changing the oil in the tractor. He had gone to get some containers to put the oil in, but it was still sitting in the pan under the tractor. One of our feral barn cats spooked by something and under the tractor and right through that pan of oil!! We managed to catch her and brought her in and washed her in the tub. She was SO good about it, but it took us FOREVER to get that small amount of oil off her paws. About an hour of washing. My arms hurt for days from just having to hold her and wash and rinse for an hour.
each day when I watch the news I am sickened by what I see. Like when katrina hit, I just want to jump on a plane and try to help...but responsibility, lack of funds...blah..blah..blah..I just wish there was something I (we) could do...all that beautiful ecology...just gone.