Anyway, blurry and all here is our newest Champion!! Roscoe APD dog!! That's the title equivalent, sort of, for the USDAA Agility Dog Champion. He finished that title yesterday with Mary and Minnie, lovely older team. We needed that one Pairs leg to finish that title. It's sort of the equivalent to the AKC MACH title, but different. A big accomplishment for a tiny dog. Especially one with such crazy aggression/anxiety issues Roscoe's has. He DONE GOOD!!
Yah for Roscoe!!! He's my little Champion through and through!! Just cuz technically he's an "Accomplished Performance Dog", doesn't make him any less a Champion to ME! See, some day I think they will change that from APD to P-ADCH, which would be Performance-Agility Dog Champion. Whateverrrrrrr............he's my little Champ..............
He wasn't too thrilled with that huge ribbon attached to his collar, but humor me DUDE, wear the ribbon for TWO MINUTES while we get these blurry photos. Thanks, Cin, for taking them and don't worry about the blurry. It's not you! It's this dinosaur camera! Remember I thought Santa might bring me a camera for Christmas? But then remember how Santa only comes to this house for the dogs, horses and cats? I think I am getting some dog treats for Christmas and maybe a pillow.
My MIL noticed me rubbing my neck at Thanksgiving. She gave me a down pillow years ago for Christmas. LOVE that thing, but it is not SO packed down and I have to wad it into this tiny ball, shaping it just so. Made my neck sore the other day. Really sore. I LOVE that pillow and it's now hurting me. I had to go find another in the linen closet and put that pillow aside. Sorry pillow, you were a good friend for many years, but yer old and worn out now. Bye, bye, c-ya, yer outahere!!! Out with the old and in with the new! I think my MIL is giving me a pillow for Christmas.
How did I go from Roscoe, Champion dog, to pillows for Christmas?
I LOVE that ribbon. It's bigger than Colby's MACH ribbon. Why isn't he a P-ADCH? He'll always be a P-ADCH to me.He IS the little champion, which is why we should have a cake celebration.