This morning I started thinking she has resigned to her fate and is almost depressed. She hardly ate last night. But, today I rubbed her head a lot and sat and talked with her and she ate. She still thinks she is in.......H........E..........L.........L!!! Tomorrow will be five days since her spay, so I may let her out tomorrow night. Saturday will be very quiet around here, so she can explore without too much activity to cause her to bolt.
This Sat., 9-3, FoFF is holding its first Fall Feline Frolic, a fair featuring local artwork & crafts, baked goods, cat-themed items, books, holiday & other miscellaneous items for sale. Cats will also be available for adoption.
Location: 643 Forest Ave., Oddfellows Bldg (corner of Woodsfords St. & Forest Ave.)
There are still lots of kittens coming in & large colonies needing to be neutered so please attend & shop the fair so there will be fewer cats left out in the cold this winter. Thanks!
Jill Cournoyer
Fair Coordinator
tel. 207-878-8896
It's November hunting season around here. Mole hunting, that is................
Colby thinks she is a working dog. I know her form here isn't proper. A proper pointing dog would point with it's front leg, but Colby is a MinPin. Terrier ancestry. Pointing genes in there probably a long way back, but enough, that she points........sort of -
Her skill is listening, using each ear and then both ears............
Mole got away. They usually often do, unless she can get it upon first spotting it.
Can a dog in a purple coat, one that is 13lbs be called a working dog? Farm dog? Yes, I think so. MACH Colby, my best farm dog. Although, didn't she kill a baby turkey this spring??? Hmmm, my dad might say a turkey killer isn't such a good farm dog. He has a dog - it doesn't hunt. A proper farm dog. His dog actually is only skilled at greeting customers and playing soccer. But, that's the best farm dog for him!!
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