I know, I DID say that. And I do, but I don't mean it. I am SO obsessed. Like when I try to look up my stats on the USDAA website because the trial I entered on Sunday after Thanksgiving could be Roscoe's APD. What's an APD? Similar to a MACH only for losers. Well, not really losers. In USDAA they don't call it a MACH. That's AKC terms. In USDAA (United States Dog Agility Association for all you non-agility friends), the MACH equivolent of sorts is the ADCH. Agility Dog Championship. So, what's this APD? Accomplished Performance Dog. Geesus, that sounds so uninteresting and weak. Like the kid in school you remember who needed special tutoring, was "brilliant", but could not take the test the rest of us took. Perhaps, as funny chick in CA says, rode the tiny little school bus wearing the giant name tag. That's Roscoe, he has the giant name tag and rides the tiny little school bus with the other special kids. So, he doesn't get an ADCH, he gets an APD.
What's the difference? Not much, a few inches and a few seconds, really. See, Roscoe measures 12.88 inches at the shoulders. Because of that he needs to jump a 16" jump through all those years and all those classes to get his ADCH. Roscoe is NINE pounds, his rump is high, his knees are straight, his head is not put on well, he's "screwy". He can't handle jumping 16", damnit!! So, he jumps 12" and is quite happy about that. He is allowed a few seconds here and there to manage the same course and gets an APD when he has done all that the "other" dogs do. The "Championship" dogs. Roscoe is a "Performance" dog. So, he gets an Accomplished Performance Dog award. Big friggin' whoop! Listen, the little dog ran all those courses clean, ran fast and furious and happy and good. I keep calling it his P-ADCH. That's really what it should be......a P-ADCH. Some day they will call it that and I will feel good. Right now, when Roscoe gets his APD I will celebrate, but there are many who will think it just isn't the same as an ADCH. Phoey on them!!!
OK, so like Colby's MACH he will only get this if he and his Relay partner can run clean. We have ONE more Relay Q to get and that's that. He has run clean several times where his partners didn't. Let's hope we can both run clean this next trial. If we don't, he won't get dinner...........oh, YES HE WILL! He's my little special boy and I LOFF him and there is no way he would let me forget his dinner, anyway. ;D
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
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