The dogs are SO bored, so we train. Tricks, mostly, since those are easy and fun. I need to "tighten" up Colby's put away her toys trick. She is expecting a reward for each toy and I have never asked for more before. I need to wait her out so she puts away ALL the toys then gets her reward. And she still wants to, on occasion, remove the toys. Silly girl!
Roscoe - he just started this trick. Still pretty frantic and not sure, but he figures things out pretty quick after a few more sessions -
That would be Spur in the background screaming, wanting HIS turn. He got his turn, but he is worrying about the sound of the balls hitting the bottom of the metal bucket. Oi, that Spurminator can find ANYTHING to worry about. We'll get it, though. In a few sessions I bet he has it all OK.
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
How great is this? Most kids won't even pick up their toys. Now if you can teach them to wash windows ...............................