Poignant? You betcha! It's that mental thing, ya know!
In practice my dogs are ROCK STARS! (Talking about the boys, here. Colby rocked, mentally.) At trials, not so much. Me, too. Although, at times I struggle in practice because especially Roscoe can be SO nutty and crazy and I have to adjust so much it is hard for me to handle that nutty/crazy.
I watched the AKC National Finals this morning. Bought the VOD, so I could watch the runs for the next year. It was only $20, so why not? The little Rat Terrier FREAKIN' ROCKED!! Talk about a Rock STAR! That dog is fabu, man!!! The time to beat, until the last couple of big dogs. The dog can run it's dog walk in RECORD time. HOLY SMOKES!
It is really fun to see a dog and handler who worked really hard to get to that point. The handler said the dog was down to a NINE second dog walk doing a 2o2o. Oh dear. She then decided to train runnings. WOW! Amazing to see such success from a retrain.
I know, all my non-agility folks think I am talking Greek? Sorry!!! Someone asked Rich the other day why I like agility so much. You know, I struggled with the answer because I know the answer, but explaining it, no so easy. The answer is it is an adrenaline rush, I guess, and I am fueled by the little things. And you know, my dogs are not exactly out of control, wacko, speedsters. They just aren't. So why the adrenaline rush? It's the little things. That mental thing. Thanks Henry Ford, I do think I can and I AM right. I have that tiny taste and each bite makes me want more. Like bittersweet chocolate. (Oh dear, now I am getting all cliche'??? ACK!!!). I see my dog's potential. I know it's there and I just need to bring it out and every little time I DO bring it out I get a rush. For now, we practice, we study, we obsess, we thrive on someone else's adrenaline rush. I get a rush watching that Rat Terrier fly across the dog walk in record time!!!! Like a second? OK, maybe 1.3 seconds? Seriously, Muffin Heads, that dog FREAKIN' TAKES FLIGHT!!!!
Roscoe, here he is yesterday, while I watched the results come in on Facebook...........
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