You know, every time Rich goes away I cherish my alone time. I sing Joan Armatrading's "Me, Myself, I" and train the dogs like all - day - long, which means crazy monkey screaming from The Spurminator while he is crated and waiting to be trained and I read my books like all - day - long. This goes on for a long time, when Rich is gone. I sleep a little later, which isn't good because I have to do ALL the house chores, which takes longer and after my morning training session I am so far behind I end up with a house that's a mess and a driveway needing more snow clean up, my hair to be brushed and laundry to do. It all just piles up. And then, of course, there is work. I have to work.
I also do things while he is gone that I should not do. Like computer maintenance. I do that because it's like a New Years Resolution, except that I don't DO such Resolutions. It just seems that I usually have a little extra time when Rich is gone and he usually goes away just around the New Year. But, I don't have any extra time cuz remember I am training like all - day - long and reading my books like all - day - long. So, I really don't have extra time to do stupid, idiotic, useless, actually totally harmful maintenance on my computer. I have this sheet someone gave me. It lists the things to do like disk cleanup (my system freezes and won't do that), cookie clean up (yeah, done and now I have to re-enter my passwords everywhere), and other things that take forever like disk degraf and stuff. I also dump sent files and dump photos I no longer care about. That's all good, right?
OK, did ALL that stuff, even ended up dumping programs I thought I didn't need, but when I went to download a USDAA trial premium I had dumped Adobe Reader and had to download that. Doh!!!!
So, my system should be lickity split fast!!! It should be like Spur when he's chasing Roscoe in the weave poles. I do that sometimes to get Spur speeding up, he MONKEY screams after Roscoe who is lickity split in his poles. It works, Spur screams and races after Roscoe doing SMOKIN' poles. My system should be like that........monkey screamin' lickity split, right? NOT! It is as slow as EVAH!!!!
It is not only SLOW AS EVAH, but it is messed up. It no longer automatically moves sent files from the outbox to the sent box. It won't let me even manually do that!! I have to dump them or folks continue getting the same message. And, after a spell it won't even bring mail in, so I have to check and send mail from the roadrunner site. Do you have any idea what a pain that is????
These are times it is so clear to me why I am a dog walker/pet sitter. I LIKE walking dogs! I like visiting kitties! I like caring for animals! Animal "maintenance" doesn't frustrate me. I scoop poo, I pick up shit, I walk the streets and wave to people who smile at the beautiful goldens, or the adorable shih tzus, I get covered in dog hair and it sticks to my lip gloss when I forget my Blistex. I love that stuff!! Computer maintenance. GAG! It's like doing back flips on ice skates and super triple sowcows (which is actually spelled salchow, after some swedish guy named Ulrich). I can't do those things without messing up. Crashing and burning into a pile of broken ice skates and twisted fingers, I CAN NOT DO IT!!!
One more week before Rich returns. That's a LONG time to do be sending emails via webmail. I wonder how many dog walks I would have to do to hire an IT person? Probably more than I could do in a week?
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
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