OK, so I need to get with the program and do a Facebook page? REALLY???
I feel like if I do that I will be hip? REALLY??? I keep going round and round on this one.
I am trying like heck not to waste any more time on this computer. Remember my maintenance debacle?? STILL dealing with that. What makes me think I could manage a Facebook page? What makes Facebook so special anyway. Really???
I mean, seriously Muffin Heads, what good is social networking? What the heck IS social networking??? I don't mean to offend anyone here, but REALLY??? Chatting on a computer screen is being social???? Social networking seems like what we did last night. Had a few beers, or maybe some wine instead, bitched about our week, played a round of Bananagrams, then found the Table Top game and answered a few of those poignant questions and had a nice night with friends. THAT was social networking? Right?
I don't know, maybe I am "old fashioned". Old fashioned? I think it is more like simple. I am simple and doing a Facebook page seems complicated. I can't even manage my email blasts these days. I know, my dinosaur computer is part of my problem and that will be fixed as soon as Rich gets home. And believe me I will need a lot of Social Networking after my first week with a new system. Got it, Muffin Heads??? Social networking will be in demand that first week, I promise you, make plans now.
Although, maybe I am old fashioned. Ten years ago social networking would have included something more than Bananagrams at home with a few beers/wine. Good GRIEF that sounds "old fashioned"? OK, so to make it sound more interesting there were six little dogs here and we did spend a bit of time analysing dog behavior, watching little puppy Zep get cornered by bitchy 10 year old Colby. He was VERY respectful of the "ole lady" and one look from her bitchy eyes and he was cornered. We laughed, he got himself out of his corner and made a wide berth around her, only to start barking at us to engage him. Little Zep, a big personality in a tiny body. Colby was unimpressed. Zep was impressed by Colby. Ah, the power of a bitch! A MinPin Bitch!
Is that even MORE lame?? Bananagrams and dog behavior analysis? I can't think of anything more fun, really!!!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
Don't forget Stella fell asleep in my lap with her head and paws on the kitchen counter. That was totally cute. And um, social.