This is the second planting of corn. At least the soil didn't wash away too much. But, many farmers like corn "knee high by the fourth of July" and this is maybe ankle high. But, look do you see the blue sky????? I see it, I see it, I see it, IT'S BLUE!!!!!!! Wahoooooooooo!!!
This corn got a boost this spring. They covered it with Remay covering. It actually has tassels on the corn cobs!!! :D
This is "Chipmunk Hollow". The new kid on the block over at Red Neck City had to clear cut the pines for his new house. The stumps are now piled in a "ditch" in the wooded section along the fields. The chippies LOVE it there and so does Miss Colby Carlson!
How long do you suppose it will take for those stumps to rot? More than my lifetime, I think!
Remember I mentioned the snails love the grass clippings along our path? Finally dared bring my camera since the SUN arrived this morning. They seem to love the dying grass clippings!
This is the new hay field. The golden tips are the seed heads drying up. That's NOT a good thing. They won't be able to get in there to cut it for a while. It is totally saturated. You can see they cut a little along the edge last weekend and hauled that over for the four cows Nick has at Red Neck City. Hay is extremely hard to find right now.
Miss Colby Carlson may be having some eye troubles, but her vision is fine! I wish my camera was better, this is a COOL shot!! Hard to tell, but that puddle is about 4 foot wide where she is jumping it. She clears it easily! She is SO athletic!
And, believe it or not, we still have pick-able asparagus!!!! Some of it has bolted (grown too tall and gone to seed heads), but there is still plenty to pick and eat. We are going on three months of picking asparagus!!! YUM!!
Yesterday when we were RAINED OUT OF AGILITY CLASS........AGAIN.........I decided to go to my friend's shop at Pine Point. http://www.nduck.com/AboutUs.htm and do some shopping. I seem obsessed with the radar and also with burning candles. I am so tired of the moldy smell, the way the house holds every cooking odor imaginable, so I have burned all my candles and what better way than to go shopping on a rained out night. Mary's store is very cool!! She was having a sale on some of the Yankee Candles, so that worked out great!!! You really should check out that store, it is very fun! Cindy and I brought little Zep, the sheltie puppy, down for some socialization. He was a HUGE hit there. They love dogs, as you can see from her website. Mary has two awesome black labs!!! Zep met all kinds of people, kids in strollers, kids on foot in crazy rain outfits, big people, little people, boys, girls and grandma!! Good stuff for a 14 week old pup!!
This corn got a boost this spring. They covered it with Remay covering. It actually has tassels on the corn cobs!!! :D
This is "Chipmunk Hollow". The new kid on the block over at Red Neck City had to clear cut the pines for his new house. The stumps are now piled in a "ditch" in the wooded section along the fields. The chippies LOVE it there and so does Miss Colby Carlson!
Remember I mentioned the snails love the grass clippings along our path? Finally dared bring my camera since the SUN arrived this morning. They seem to love the dying grass clippings!
This is the new hay field. The golden tips are the seed heads drying up. That's NOT a good thing. They won't be able to get in there to cut it for a while. It is totally saturated. You can see they cut a little along the edge last weekend and hauled that over for the four cows Nick has at Red Neck City. Hay is extremely hard to find right now.
Miss Colby Carlson may be having some eye troubles, but her vision is fine! I wish my camera was better, this is a COOL shot!! Hard to tell, but that puddle is about 4 foot wide where she is jumping it. She clears it easily! She is SO athletic!
And, believe it or not, we still have pick-able asparagus!!!! Some of it has bolted (grown too tall and gone to seed heads), but there is still plenty to pick and eat. We are going on three months of picking asparagus!!! YUM!!
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