I did try to ILP Spur as a papillon. He's 14" and 14lbs. and looks very papillonish, but the AKC said nope, not a papillon, but a mixed breed. Oh well, it was worth a try, but they did take my $35, damnit!! Now the AKC has decided to accept mixed breeds in performance events. Read more here -http://www.akc.org/news/index.cfm?article_id=3810
What started after this news were heated discussions about the AKC creating segregation. Putting mixed breeds "at the back of the bus". Seriously, discussions started that were comparing this issue with - Segregation. HUH??? We are talking about DOG AGILITY here, people!!! Not racial discrimination!! Not preventing someone from making a living or from entering a public place. Dog agility and in a pure bred organization's performance events. Not racial tension here! Pure breds have been competing in other venues for many years. This is a pure bred organization finally allowing mixed breeds to compete. Yes, they are being stupid about it and separating them from the pure breds, but SO WHAT????? It's DOG AGILITY!!!! I, for one, am thrilled! I spent many years attending AKC trials with my MinPins while my beloved Jess (MinPin/Aussie mix) just tagged along and could not compete. Now I have Spur, most likely a mixed breed, who will be able to compete at many of these AKC trials I attend. How cool is that??? So what he will be in a separate class???? What difference does it make? I understand, yes, he will not be allowed during a breed show competition or at National events. But, honestly I could care less. He won't have to tag along and just hang out at many of the trials I enter. He can run and compete! Wahoooooo!!! And besides, there are plenty of other venues that allow mixed and pure breds to compete all together. Those have been around for years and we have had that choice all along.
This came up again at BARK and one of the instructors said she didn't know anyone with a mixed breed who would be entering AKC trials next year when they start allowing it and the whole comparison to racial segregation came up. I quickly piped up and said I WOULD and that I can't wait!!! I left it at that, however, which might surprise you. I kept my mouth shut. This was not the time for a "political" discussion.
I just don't think it is nice to compare the AKC's mixed breed rules with racial segregation. If I were black I would be livid at this recent discussion/comparison. It just isn't right to compare the two. Racial discrimination is/was a horrible, terrible thing and comparing it to the AKC's stand on mixed breed dogs is simply not right. It's DOG AGILITY, for crying out loud, not world peace or racial tension!!! It just isn't and this sort of comparison makes me crazy!!! Just stop it, people!! Have a little more respect for blacks and minorities! During segregation they were prevented from making a living or entering a public building or riding anywhere on the bus. Keeping mixed breed dogs from competing in the same class as pure breds doesn't stop anyone from a job or entering a public place. I simply do not see the similarities! Just STOP IT!!!!
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