Tiny Quince arrived Saturday and barfed every single night until two nights ago. I was all set to bring her to the vet, then she stopped. I cancelled the vet appointment because I am hoping this is just stress and taking her to the vet to be examined would certainly STRESS her out! She is VERY feral. She will not take food from me, even. She is eating OK when I am not around. I would like her to eat more, but she is eating. I thought she was drinking and peeing a LOT, but they said they tested her for diabetes. My vet gave me some granules to put in her box that will change color if there is sugar in the urine. Thankfully, they did not change....phew. I still have a vet appointment planned for next week just in case she starts barfing again over the weekend. Technically, she has one more week of confinement before being released. With feral cats it is suggested to cage them for two weeks before releasing so they know the area they are to live. Always a worry, but this one is especially tiny so an extra worry to me. She is the most feral kitty I have had here, for sure.
This weekend I am going to the Patricia McConnell seminar on Saturday at CrappyTails in Portland. I would not miss her for the world, even though I hate giving CrappyTails any money. I won't miss a chance to see/meet Patricia!! I CAN'T WAIT! She is talking on dog aggression. Hmmm, something near and dear to me. Sunday I am off to an agility trial in Topsfield. Nice, easy drive, nice spot, I look forward to it! Colby only needs five more double Q's for her MACH, so we are trying like heck to do that. She can do it and I think will have her MACH by the end of the year! She turns 10 next Wednesday!!!! "Are you Vulcan Crazy???", yes, you read that right, Colby turns 10!!!! This photo was taken when she was just two!! Looks like a major cliff off behind her, but it dropped down only about 4 feet. The orange vest is so we can see her when she darts off into the woods after chippies while hiking! They all wear orange vests when we hike so we can easily spot them. George the border terrier wears his even on his short farm walks. He is SO bad. But, with the vest on we can often spot that little, bright orange when he darts off to play like a hippo in the stream, covered with thick pricker bushes that we have to hike through to reach him and haul him out by his tail stub! BAD George!
Colby says........."I am NOT Vulcan Crazy, I AM going to be ten and proud of it!!! Being 10 means I can boss around everyone else!!! And if Ma calls me an ole lady one more time I am going to Vulcanize her!!!!"
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