If I were prone to seasonal affected disorder, I would cry. This weather is so dreary!!! We headed to Alton NH today to play at the BARK camp agility yard, hoping to get Spur more comfortable so he will be able to handle doing agility there at camp. He did great, and we did a "teeter party", then we headed into the woods to explore the trails there. At camp I never have enough time to explore much, just a few trails close to the fields. Today we did the far loop WAY into the woods. It was, damp, wet, moist, soggy, moldy and wet, .........oh.....did I already say wet??? The mosquitos were ready to take us away, but with all that complaining I have to say we had a great time! The dogs were thrilled to go exploring some place new. They raced and raced through the woods with their orange vests on so we could easily see them in the dim, shaded, WET woods. I wore my rubber boots, thankfully because some areas we had to go through ankle deep mud. I am SICK of the wet!!!
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