Colby won both her Advanced Rally obedience classes with 98's! (You are scored out of a possible 100 points) She was comfortable and working well, except it was very hard RUNNING from the agility straight into her rally class and I had to work hard to keep her focused. Roscoe had more trouble doing that and was kind of nutty for a 93 on his last Novice leg. Today in his first Advanced Rally class he got third with a 97. Again, we had to RUN from doing agility into the obedience ring and he was a LITTLE HIGH!!! Judge's words were....."Kind of frantic"...I think all three points off came from how FAR he landed over the jump, even though he came right back to heel, he really SOARED over the jump and went WAY wide nearly taking out the first cone on our next station - serpentine. LOL!!
They also did very well in agility. Colby double-Q'd with first and second places both days. Roscoe only Q in standard, but won that today for 32 MACH speed points!!!
It was a strange trial. Toy-dogs-only makes for a funny trial. I think my dogs thought it a little boring. It was funny, though, watching the tiny pomeranian barely make course time, but manage to climb it's tiny little puff ball of a body up the A-Frame and do the teeter, but having to wait for it to come down because the tiny little puff ball probably only weighed about 3lbs. That tiny little puff ball got a 98 in the Advanced Rally class, same as Colby, but that is also judged on time, so Colby was nearly 1 minute faster!! I think Colby did her Rally course in 1.05 minutes and the tiny puff ball did it in 2.25 minutes. It sure did a nice job, though!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
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