Saturday was gardening day, which we did, but I also had to put my sweetest little barn kitty down. She was already in congestive heart failure and was getting lasix twice/day, but her heart just gave out. It was very sad, she was only seven and the sweetest little girl! Little Miss Meatie Pie was buried out by Gabe, the old paint. She always loved the horses, so that seemed like a good spot for her. She had a good life here. After being trapped by the Friend's of Feral Felines and coming here, learning to trust people she did remarkably well and ended up being quite friendly. She was a wonderful hunter and a great little barn buddy.
Sunday Roscoe did a USDAA trial and went 1 for 3. We were tired, I guess. Although he did his part in pairs, but his partner was too slow. He didn't get his gamble, but did half of it and even the first half was very hard, so I was quite proud of him. He was a bit slow in jumpers, but did qualify, so that was nice. It was nice for him to be the only dog. He enjoys that on occasion.
That's a nice picture of her.