Because, yes, it was a LONG trial!! :D Three VERY full days of agility! This was the New England USDAA Regional in RI. At a new indoor facility, YAY!! FREAKIN' amazing facility!! HUGE, three rings going all day long and hundreds of dogs and, yet, the AC kept us cool and comfortable. The footing was phenomenal!! One ring had Launch The Dog equipment! OMFG that stuff is SO awesome!!! The most solid and comfortable contact equipment. Pretty jumps without any extra jump cups. Really, really cool!!!
Spur teamed with Maddie, the little blonde dachshund. I can't believe it, but we don't have a team photo!!! WHAT??? OK, so Maddie is just adorable, a mini-dachshund and she is fast, as fast as her short little legs will take her. Which really isn't very fast. LOL!! But, she runs her heart out and her person is only sixteen and very mature. She did awesome and our team managed to place 5th out of 27 teams!!! I have to admit during relay (the last of five runs for team and each dog runs half the course), we cheered and high fived every time we heard the whistle for other teams. A whistle means the dog/handler just went off course for an E (elimination). If you E in relay you are screwed. The 1st place team got an E and went from 1st to 8th!!! So, Lizzie and I sat there cheering quietly and high fiving each other every whistle we heard because we knew that would help our cause. Spur had a bobble at the weaves which cost us dearly, but still managed to put us 5th, so we did very well. :D OUr team name? Spurred On By A Little Blonde!! :D The cutest team there, for sure!!!!
Spur had some amazing runs! One jumpers run was 5.8 yards/second, which might be his fastest so far. He LOVED the big, loud, crowded event!! MANY of his fans were there, so he walked around smiling at everyone and getting patted and cookies!!! He loved it. The footing was brand new field turf with rubber pellets. Really, really comfy for running on and great for the dogs. There were people from all over the country. Some of the best agility ever was there last weekend. We watched and watched and ran and ran and had a GREAT time!!!! The walking outside was even good. Big fields, some trees for shade, huge areas to let the dogs run. Really great facility! Too bad it is so far away. Friday during rush hour was a four hour drive, ugh. Sunday coming home was only 3 hours and 15 minutes, so not terribly bad.
I have some highlites and lowlites. Although, with Spur just seeing him happy is a highlite and even his bobbles he looks pretty happy and OK about re-doing things. I am SO proud of him!!!! I felt like he wanted to run every time we got to the ring and that felt great!!! We had a wonderful time just me and Spur!!! I left the MinPins home and it was SO much easier.
So, here are some of our runs......
I honestly can't wait until next year!!!! It was so well run and such a nice facility. So different from last year's dirty, dusty, dry and HOT outdoor event.
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
CONGRATS AMY, SPUR and TEAM!!! I AM so happy for you guys and have been anxiously awaiting your report!!! Spur is just getting faster and faster!
ReplyDeleteYay!!! Sounds like a great trial! He sure looked great and had many happy teeters too!