The vet wasn't sure about her back. It seemed like maybe she is sore on her back where ribs meet abdomen, but it is really hard to know. Our gut feeling is that she might be a LITTLE back sore, but most of this is behavioral. Senility? Worry because of her loss of sight? Combination of the two, three things? We gave her Xanax last night so we could sleep. That worked until 3:00, but then she paced and shook, so I tried sleeping on the couch with her.........again. We slept....some. I think the Xanax worked some, but it didn't last.
This morning, the pacing and whining and shaking again. I decided to try the Xanax. Didn't work at all, that I could tell. I gave just a bit less, so maybe she needs more? She seems happy and active and not really very back sore on our walk this morning. In fact, running around quite nicely. It is just so hard to know. I wish they could talk. We will hear about the blood tests later today.
I love the fall morning light and this little sparrow was on top of a big mound of dirt. Looking like "King of The Mountain!"
The cows are enjoying the back pasture again.
Damn, he is big!!! Although his head seems small compared to his body??
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