But, he wasn't that slow. He was actually pretty fast! I do have goals. Minor goals, because I kind of hate goals. Yeah, I know I compete so I must have goals, but really often my biggest goal is something little like ears up at the start line and if we NQ so long as ears are up at the start I am THRILLED!!!
So, goals to me are not so similar as goals to many others. My biggest goal is to be happy and a team out there, regardless of a clean run. Sure, I enjoy the titles and placements, but seriously I judge our day by the little things.
One goal is to improve our times. That's pretty important because I know if he is running fast, he is happy. This run we had a fly off on the teeter, so it was an NQ run, BUT he was pretty happy through out the whole run AND ran pretty fast. Our goal for time is less than 40 seconds on a standard course. That's hard when the table can sometimes cost us 1-5 seconds. Ugh. This run it only cost us about 1.5 seconds, YAY!!!! His time was 42+ seconds, so that's pretty fast for Little Spur!!!!
He was happy on the start, he LOVES to be able to say HI to the ring crew. He really LOVES to show off. He loves his fan club!!!
He had some other great runs this weekend, not many Q's, but some nice runs. I really had to work that teeter. I love that he is running to the end, but he isn't waiting for it to land, obviously. Not something I ask him to do because I have never been picky about the teeter and didn't want to add stress to an already stressful obstacle. I guess I am going to have to be firm at the end. I'll load his Grand Prix run where I do that, but it causes an off course tunnel. He is SO rewarded by a tunnel after his teeter and while I think I was pretty obvious about our course path, he ZOOMS off course to the tunnel. That's just fine, he was happy!!! I just have to work through these things.
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
I think those are perfect goals! The run looks beautiful