I am starting to get good at learning from my videos. For example, I HATE, HATE, HATE how much I clap at him in this run!! Yes, he goes to sniff the cone set away from the weaves, so I had to clap there, but goodness all the other times???? NO!!! I don't do that in class, so why at trials. Poor buggar!!
He was the very first dog to run and after his run like the next ten dogs all went to sniff the cone! The judge didn't call refusals because the dogs all came back and did their weaves, but she then moved the cone to the wall. Oi!!!
I love in this run his start. He BOLTS off!! YAY!!!! I don't love how I grab him for his start, but he seems unfazed. Good Little Monkey Pants!!! And I VERY much love his DW!! No speed on entry and boy did I have to run to get ahead for that 90 degree turn to that jump. That bit a lot of dogs, especially those with running dog walks. He was really running well and I was a little surprised how I had to kick in another gear to get up there.
I also love how his table probably only cost us one second!! YAY!!! All my kitchen agility training his table has helped!!! :D Brought my table inside and have been working it a lot!!!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
So many good things!!!