I swear, we sometimes feel like show-offs! Spur just ROCKS the CPE trials. In Jackpot and Fullhouse he got more points than ANY dog there in ALL levels. Just nuts!! The crowd loves us and the cheers are really sweet!! Spur LOVES that!!! I wouldn't say he was all that fast, but fast enough, I guess.
His dog walk contacts were lovely. Not super fast, but all good hits. He did one nice teeter, then the second time in his standard run he refused it damn it. It was a different teeter. A nicer one, actually, but I think he is so used to that crazy loud one there that it surprised him. Good to change it out and I made him come back and do it. And he was faster after, good little man!!!!
We only did those three runs because I had the shih tzu's here and wanted to relieve Rich of his dog sitting duties. He was just nappy by the woodstove anyway, but still he was on watch.
Roscoe didn't run that well his first run, so I scratched him. He hasn't been that happy there lately. Not really sure why. I think it has something to do with the smell. They are using it as an indoor dog park, ICK, and the dogs piss and shit everyone. It's disgusting. And it was COLD. The heater was broken. The club better get some money back, that's bullshit to rent a heated indoor facility and not get HEAT!!!!
I do have video if I find time to load it later. Today is sort of a day off and I have lots to do!!! I have one kitty visit later, but no other obligations. YAY!!!!!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
Glad to hear Spur had a great day! Too bad about the lack of heat and smell...it can get pretty icky in there. Always love seeing your videos!