My friend Helen took photos this summer, but none of them are just right. I need to try again next year. It's hard to get one where all four of us are looking good. Especially now that Colby squints all the time. Poor girlie.
I decided to only order 20 cards. I'll use the professionally done ones for my mid-day clients and vet clinics and pet stores who refer folks to me. All my other clients will get cards I will have to go buy and I'll print out the photo on our printer and glue it inside. So there. That's my decision and I'm stickin' to it!!
I mean, here it is December first and I haven't done......oh wait......it's the second isn't it?................... I haven't done ANY Christmas shopping. WAaaaaaaaa.............
I promised my Mom a painting of her dog, Joe. Damn, I better get on THAT!!!
Every freaking year I say I WILL do a photo card and EVERY freaking year it sneaks up on me. Glad to see I'm in good company!