No one can ever say my dogs don't get enough exercise. I am adamant about it. I think if your dogs do competition sports they should be in good shape. Period, the end. Well, maybe not the end, I have more to say, as always. One reason I am seriously considering a pool. I totally melt in the heat and struggle even to take our nice farm walks. I know the dogs could get some work out in a pool, if I had one. But, here we are again with nice cool weather and I no longer need a pool! I wasn't really serious.
What we need now are some fresh walks. The farm is stale. Not really, I mean I am always amazed at how much I enjoy our farms walks. Over and over again, every single day, I enjoy it out there. There is always something new. Like the new bull that showed up to "service" the cows. I rode Jewel over there yesterday and the only "servicing" I saw going on was the calves humping the bull. What's with all this humping stuff lately? The farm, it's always interesting. But, I can't wait to get back to the beach and the woods. I can't wait for those crazy races through the woods with Spur in the lead, or maybe George, and Stella and Roscoe close on their heels making noises like Team Small Dog says her dogs does........"we are talking jacked up circus freak on a danger motorcycle just let out of prison during the hooker parade insane.".........Yes, that would describe Roscoe and Stella during a Spur chase. Circus Freak, that's Roscoe. I mean, really, he DID hump a judge. Only a Circus Freak would do THAT!!!! What would Stella be? Circus Lady with Two Heads? Both heads making crazy jacked up lab gerbil on espresso trying to figure out which button to push to get her(s) pellet of food noises? Do you think Stella would hump a judge? No, WAY too dignified to do that, but she can scream after Spur like a Circus Freak. The beach, SOON we get back on the beach. The vacationers are nearly gone, the rules change, the beach. The Circus Freaks can chase seagulls and recharge on crab legs and left over hot dog buns or guts from the Quahogs the seagulls tried to eat. Whatever.........we need our varied walks.
I passed our woods hike parking lot tonight. Damn, it's been found out. There were more cars there than it could handle and they were lined along the road. I know who they are. Well, I mean I know they are bikers. Crazy mountain bikers that don't watch where they are going. How did they find OUR woods! It is MY woods, OUR woods, it's there for the dogs. We knew about it WAY before they ever did. Before the town spent all this money improving the trails and making maps and charts and signs that mark the way. My taxes, well spent. Now the bikers are there.
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