The days of poking her with a HUGE needle morning and night are OVER!!!! We made it! No abscessing, no irritation, no apparent complications......WE DID IT!! Me and her, we made it through THREE weeks of injecting 28 cc of thick,
Oxytetracycline into her vein. She was such a good girl, absolutely an angel about it. I am so proud of her I can just about burst!! I have spoken to quite a few people who attempted to do this and their horses got so upset they quit and never finished. I can only say we got better and better at it. I found just the right spot and hit the vein every time, she stood quietly, flinching only a little. It IS a HUGE needle. I have never been so happy to see blood. They said if I got outside the vein it could abscess and be very bad, so I made SURE I was in and each time I pulled back and got a nice red swirl of blood I was happy. I guess that makes me a vampire of sorts? Happy about the sight of blood. Oh MY!!
Here is what she thought of the whole thing...............
I used up three bottles of this stuff. Icky, sticky, gooey, slow moving stuff that I hope killed all the lyme critters in her body.............
Can there BE a sweeter horse? I don't think so!
And just for the record, in case you didn't know this......... I HATE ticks. I hate them with such a passion. They have made my life miserable on WAY too many occasions. Now, we wait 6 months and test again and let's all hope her titer is low. This has been a fairly good tick year. You know what I mean, good in that we haven't had a whole ton, thankfully!! I mean, she could easily get reinfected. But, now I know that oral
meds just do not work for her. Crazy thing is the injections were actually cheaper and she handled it better. The oral
meds gave her some digestive issues. She had no apparent issues with the injections.
I am just so glad it is over. It was not a fun three weeks.
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