It was a BLAST!! Much because we stayed with girlfriend Lisa, whose house and property is AWESOME!! A little clean and white for me, but so pretty!!! I was VERY glad I brought my travel comforter. I had to take the........gasp.........WHITE comforter off the bed before letting my dogs on it! She had her house SO nicely decorated and had candles going and pizza and drinks ready for us Friday night. Then before bed she set up our coffee and breakfast stuff. Her house is out of house beautiful, but very comfortable. HUGE yard, big pool. Very nice and she pampered us completely!
The trial was HUGE and Roscoe was WAY HIGH for NQ's all day going wide and off course at times. So, because he was doing that I decided to stay for his gamble, which didn't run until 8:30, with him being the second to last run of the day!! We had been there for over 13 hours!! :O I figured if he is going off away from me all day, he surely could do this gamble!! He was exhausted, as was I, and we messed up our opening so we were not in good position when the buzzer went off and wasted time getting to the start of the gamble line. He then DID the gamble, but the timer went off just as he took off for the LAST JUMP!! It was painful! But, I am VERY proud of the little buggar, he really did very well. Gambles have been our nemesis, so the fact that he DID it is HUGE. He ran clean in his pairs, but his partner didn't. Darn!
Colby had teeter issues, except for the first one and got her last Adv. Standard leg with a first place. She also won her gamble, so all she needs is a pairs leg to be completely in Masters. :D She NQ'd her pairs with a teeter refusal, but our partner had already NQ's us on the first half. I am SO bummed about our teeter issues. It is totally MY fault for allowing her fly-off in CT. I think she will be OK outdoors, but we have no place to train indoors right now, so that may be really problematic for us.
Lisa cooked us Lobster Saturday night, but with it going SO late she ended up making lobster salad. Again, the house had the candles all going, fireplace was lit, drinks ready. It was amazing! SO pleasant and relaxing compared to staying in a crappy hotel room! It was luxurious! The dogs loved it!!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
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