Amherst NH at American K9 Country, AKC agility trial. Colby double Q'ed for number 12 2Q, so she needs 8 more for her MACH (Master's Agility Championship). Roscoe managed to SMOKE his standard run, 5 seconds faster than Colby's run, but was WAY too high in his Jumpers run and ran to an off course tunnel. He has been a bit crazy lately! I love it, but it may get old if that keeps happening. I have to figure out how to manage the crazy man!!!
It was a fun day, but AKC trials run SO slow and we didn't get home until 7:30. Should not have taken SO long. I just don't understand why they can't figure out how to run the trials better. USDAA can do 5 different classes and still be done by 5:00!! It was also incredibly muddy! My truck needs a good clean out. The crates beds need to be cleaned and the whole truck needs vacuuming. Mud season is a bummer with dogs!!! Spur could really use a bath right now!
What Temperature Is Too Hot To Walk Dogs?
1 year ago
Way to go Colby.